We all know or tend to believe that long hair is equivalent to healthy hair. I am actually here to debunk that old wives tale. I believe that healthy hair is more than the growth you see and cannot be measured by the length but by the quality of your hair. You are now left with the big question "How is the quality of your hair really determined?"

Healthy Hair is determined by TWO essential factors i.e. How well you maintain your scalp roots & what you consume on a day today basis (Diet')

1. How do you maintain your scalp roots?

The scalp is more than just the place where your hair follicles lie but a foundation from which your follicles grow. How you maintain your scalp is a big determinant on how your hair will grow and how strong your follicles will be. You can't expect strong follicle roots if you are neglecting the basics of nurturing your hair e.g. weekly or daily moisturising, using the right products that are free from chemicals or constantly putting tension on your hair with extremely tight protective styles like braids, glue on your edges just to mention but a few. Your hair needs TLC and that takes in a lot of patience, time and effort. But how do you know if your scalp is healthy or if it is in need of some extra TLC?

unhealthy scalp - dandruff

What Does an Unhealthy Scalp Look Like?

When it comes to scalp care, the first thing to consider is the actual state of your scalp. In order to achieve a healthy scalp /head of hair, it is essential that the hair follicles are kept clean, clear, and well-maintained. This means they are not weighed down with sebum or obstructed by salts, dead skin, dandruff, or inflammation. If you find that your hair is falling out, your scalp is tight and itchy, your hair texture has changed, or your flakiness is out of control, you should  consider it as a sign that your scalp is unhealthy and in need of a little extra care. The key to achieving a healthy scalp for a failing or dead scalp starts by finding the right hair growth products like our Follicle Stimulant. Our follicle stimulant is specifically researched and formulated to work for your specific hair loss or hair needs. It is enriched with Lavender, Vitamin E, many other essentials vitamin and nutrients that soothe the scalp, nourish your roots and thus stimulate your hair follicles. 

2.What role does your diet play?

Healthy diet

I believe you are what you eat and this highly tends to reflect on the outside through your overall well being. This is highly shown through your hair, skin or nails. Unfortunately, a lot of our everyday routine contributes to an unhealthy scalp (think stress, pollution, and poor eating habits). Whatever your hair concerns may be, there is no doubt that an improvement in your daily eating habits could significantly improve your overall hair health.

It is very fundamental to know that our hair cells are the second fastest-growing cells in our body. Every individual has roughly 120,000 hairs on their scalp, all of which need nourishment in order to grow. But because hair is not a vital organ or tissue, your body will never prioritise its nutritional needs and due to our hair’s expendable nature, a nutritional imbalance will often show up first in the form of hair loss. 

We have always been led to believe that a ‘healthy diet’ often does not include all of the elements needed for optimum hair growth and hair health. To be honest your hair cells, as well as the cells throughout your body, need a balance of proteins, complex carbohydrates, iron, vitamins and minerals to function at their best.

I must also admit that due to the hectic lives we lead, it sometimes becomes impossible to pay attention to what we consume and also ensure we garner all the essential healthy nutrients that our bodies need. These and many other reasons is why we formulated our Liquid Hair Vitamins. This not only helps to counter balance but helps to replenish the vitamins & nutrients which are necessary to boost your overall hair growth. I am not actively purporting that our Liquid Booster Supplements should be used as a replacement of your diet but it can be used as a surplus boost in the case you feel you don't get enough nutrients in your everyday diet.

Finally, whatever your hair concerns may be, there is no doubt that an improvement in your daily eating habits and proper maintenance of your hair scalp could significantly improve your overall hair health. Get our most popular full Bundle and watch your hair flourish.

What are you waiting for??



Thank you for this blog. Very well written. I see you don’t have shampoos/conditioners, but do you have any info on the vest shampoos that support hair growth and your products.
I suffer with alopecia & have been using regain but would like to switch to your products instead. Thank you.

Monica February 01, 2021

This is just well put and you are very correct H. H Cosmetics. “We are indeed what we eat” . I am glad that you are very honest and acknowledge the fact that " a proper healthy diet is key to your overall well being and one’s overall diet should not be replaced with supplements" 👌🏾👏🏾. That statement alone makes your company come across honest and very empathetic to your customers. NOT a company that is there to exploit its vulnerable clients. Thank you for this and the AMAZING products that are working and helping so many.

Jane December 05, 2020

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